Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My favorite morning routine

This is my favorite thing in the morning. Lately Ellie and Walker have been sleeping a little later in the morning, you know, until 7:45 AM! I usually get up and get Walker's bottle and Ellie's sippy cup (YES!!  Sippy Cup) of milk ready and bring them in the bedroom. Then I go get everyone out of bed. Ellie first then Walker.  It is a bit of a challenge to get them down stairs now. You have to put Ellie in Walker's bed, get him in you arms on one side then have Ellie stand up and get her on the other side. And my heavens don't forget Ellie's blankie.  Now you have to get down the stairs with both of them in  you arms and Walker immediately is trying to get at Ellie.  Ellie weighs about 26 lbs and Walker is a good 20 lbs if not more.  Then we all pile in the bed. The second Walker spots his bottle he goes crazy!  He loves that bottle. It is really amazing that I was able to get these pictures because usually when they are this close Walker had a big handful of Ellie's hair and then the screaming begins.  We don't quite understand that pulling hair hurts and it really makes your sister mad when you do it.  Ellie likes to help Walker with the bottle. I am not sure how much he likes it but he really tolerates a lot from his big sister.

Ellie attempting to hold the bottle for Walker
When I got the camera out Ellie started saying "smile!"
Still helping her brother
Not quite awake yet. 
It usually doesn't take Ellie long to start smiling for the camera but this morning she was pretty sleepy. 

A little comment about why it is really exciting about Ellie taking a sippy cup now.  She is 19 months and it has taken me forever to get her off the bottle. She was 10 1/2 months old when Walker was born so not off the bottle yet. The bottle was obviously a security thing for her (along with her blanket.)  I tried when she was a year old to get her away from the bottle but she kept seeing Walker with is bottle and would cry until she got one also.  I must admit I wasn't as strong about not giving her one as I should be. I did take my sister's advise on this (much like I have on a lot of other things.) She kept telling me it is not that big of a deal. That is wasn't like she was going to go to college with a bottle in her mouth. I knew that was true but everything I had been reading and hearing was that they should be off the bottle by a year and definitely by 15 months.  So now she was 18 months and still getting two bottle of milk a day.  I finally one day just decided I was going to give her the sippy cup  of milk and if she drank it that was great and if she didn't it wasn't that big of a deal.  She actually didn't fuss that much about it and went a lot smoother than I thought.  She still drinks her milk and now just wants to help Walker out with his bottle. Hopefully it won't be as hard and a long to get Walker off the bottle when he turns a year old.

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