Monday, February 16, 2009

A New Ride and Our New Favorite Place....

Finally everyone is over the sickness!! I honestly thought it was going to last forever.  Now that we are all feeling well we have been able to get outside, when there is nice weather, and enjoy not being in the house all the time.  My boss, Nevin, gave Ellie this awesome battery operated car. His daughter out grew it and he thought Ellie might like it. She does love it!!  She is a little to small for it but when we out the pillow behind her she can actually reach the pedal.  She really hasn't gotten the whole pushing the pedal down makes the car go but it does have a radio and of course she already knows how to turn it on and off and make it louder and louder.  It really is awesome! She wants to get in it every time we go out to the garage. I can't wait until the weather stays nice and we can be outside all the time. 

Walker has a few new things... First... Two new teeth.  He finally got his top two teeth in. They have not completely dropped but you can definitely see them, so I think that counts.  He has a new favorite place in the kitchen, besides his high chair... It's the cabinet with all the plastic bowls and lids. I can put him down there and get a complete meal cooked. He just loves it and so do I.  He has also decided he loves to scream.  I don't mean just a quiet little scream, I mean a scream that could break glass. We thought Ellie had a loud scream when he was her age but boy were we wrong. He beats her by a mile.  Oh and then there is Elmo. How we love Elmo!  The other morning we were all sitting on the bed and I had Sesame Street on.  Elmo's World came on and Walker started clapping and laughing and he did not speak (scream) until the show was over. It was amazing. We have discovered Elmo in Numberland on VOD and it is my second saving grace next to the plastic cabinet. 

Walker in his new favorite place.
We love plastic bowls!!!!
Eyeing the box of lids!!!!
Dad.. I can do it!  Turn the radio back on!!!

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